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111 Places in Portland

That You Must Not Miss

Katrina Nattress


Contains numerous color photographs
by Jason Quigley

240 pages

13,5 x 20,5 cm

5,25 in. x 8 in.
ISBN : 978-3-7408-0750-4


£ 12.99
$ 19.90


111 Places in Portland

That You Must Not Miss


“Keep Portland Weird” is just the tip of this delightfully bizarre city’s iceberg. Summon spirits at a haunted pizzeria. Let it all hang out at a nude beach on the Columbia River. Get your kicks at the world’s only vegan strip club, and visit the world’s smallest park (blink and you might miss it). Through these pages, you’ll learn about a Portland that’s even weirder than you could have ever imagined.

Katrina Nattress

Katrina Nattress has been writing professionally since 2008, but her love for local culture began far before then. Born and raised in the Portland area, Katrina has always been fascinated with exploring the nooks and crannies of her city. There are still hidden treasures that have stayed under the radar despite the city’s rapid growth. and these are the places she holds dear to her heart and is excited to share with others curious to unearth the secrets of Portland.


Jason Quigley

Jason Quigley is a self-taught freelance photographer. He learned just about everything he knows by photographing concerts and musician portraits, and he foolishly quit his engineering day job in 2013. He lives with his beautiful wife and two daughters in Southeast Portland, Oregon and thanks them profusely for their patience and support.

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