111 Places for Kids in Houston
That You Must Not Miss
Dana Duterroil, Joni Fincham​
Contains numerous colour photographs
by Sara S. Murphy
240 pages
13,5 x 20,5 cm
5,25 in. x 8 in.
ISBN : 978-3-7408-1372-7
£ 13.99
$ 23.95
111 Places for Kids in Houston That You Must Not Miss
111 Places for Kids in Houston That You Must Not Miss captures the spirit of Houston while taking your family on one amazing field trip at a time. Take rickshaw ride through ancient China and crawling through a colossal colon. Drive through a car wash that's in the Guinness Book of World Records. Ride a miniature steam train. And go on location with Texas revolutionary heroes and pioneers from back in the day.
Dana Duterroil
Dana DuTerroil is a native Texan who was born in San Antonio and grew up in Houston. After 20 years in New Orleans, she returned with a husband and a renewed love for chips and queso. She is a writer, lawyer, co-owner of Trip Chandler, a two-woman team who gives tours of the city to visitors and locals, and the co-author of 111 Places in Houston That You Must Not Miss.

Joni Fincham
Joni Fincham, a Kansas native, moved around the world before adopting Houston as her hometown after falling in love with its kolaches, icehouses, and shady live oaks. As mom to a little Houstonian, she and her family love scouting out Houston’s abundant greenspaces with their two dogs, Sophie and Bruno. As co-owner of Trip Chandler and co-author of 111 Places in Houston That You Must Not Miss, she writes about the city and gives tours to visitors, new arrivals, and locals.

Sara S. Murphy
Sara S. Murphy, 4th generation Houstonian, has been a professional photographer since 2008. Now a mom of two littles, dive bar adventures have been replaced with epic playground discoveries. Exploring the green spaces and visiting kid-friendly highlights of Houston, Sara enjoys showing her 5th generation Houstonians just how awesome this city is. www.ThePhotoValet.com