111 Places for Kids in Bristol
That You Shouldn't Miss
Martin Booth
Contains numerous colour photographs
by Barbara Evripidou
240 pages
13,5 x 20,5 cm
5,25 in. x 8 in.
ISBN : 978-3-7408-1665-0
£ 13.99
$ 23.95
Available: Spring 2023
111 Places for Kids in Bristol That You Shouldn't Miss
Welcome to the home of Wallace and Gromit, and Blackbeard and Banksy. The city has a hidden castle and secret vaults underneath the Clifton Suspension Bridge only rediscovered recently after being hidden for more than 100 years. Science and art collide at We The Curious, which has the UK’s only 3D planetarium.
If you think you know Bristol, think again. Allow this book to be your guide to Bristol’s best bits for kids.
Martin Booth
Martin Booth is the Editor of Bristol24/7, the city’s leading news and entertainment website. Martin is the author of the bestselling guidebook 111 Places in Bristol That You Shouldn’t Miss and has written for publications including The Times, The Guardian, The Telegraph and Time Out. Martin leads regular walking tours of Bristol, and in his spare time enjoys cycling and drinking locally-brewed beer. He lives in Bristol with his wife, Jo, and their two daughters, Mersina and Lois. Follow him on Twitter for all things Bristol and more at @beardedjourno.

Barbara Evripidou
Barbara Evripidou is an award-winning photographer with three decades of experience. As a former press photographer, her images have been published in all the UK’s national newspapers, and she has worked all over the world. The highlight of her career was working with the British Army in Bosnia, covering the efforts to rebuild the country. These days she focuses on PR, portrait and commercial work. When she’s not got a camera in her hand you can find her at a metal gig, at the cinema or exploring Bristol - where she lives with her children, Theo and Anna. Find out more at firstavenuephotography.com.