111 Museums in Paris
That You Shouldn't Miss
Paris is known as the City of Lights, but it is really the City of Museums. Explore iconic centers of fine art with fresh eyes and dig deeper to uncover a world of museums dedicated to art and artists, science and industry, literature and film and curiosities both unusual and fascinating.
This guide highlights destinations, both well-known and obscure, where you will discover new treasures throughout this magnificent city.
111 Museums in Paris
That You Shouldn't Miss
Anne Carminati, James Wesolowski​
Contains numerous colour photographs
240 pages
13,5 x 20,5 cm
5,25 in. x 8 in.
ISBN : 978-3-7408-2363-4
£ 13.99
$ 23.95
Anne Carminati
Above all else, Anne Carminati is a free spirit. Free of boundaries and bias, eager to listen, to discover, and to create. A native Parisian, Anne’s greatest passions are art and design. She attended art schools in both Paris and New York. Now, she works as an interior designer for Maison Anne Carminati based in Paris and New York, recently launching a new high-end home accessories website. Anne’s taste combines a love of historic traditions and cultures with emerging art trends to bring energy, creativity, and new perspectives.

James Wesolowski​
James Wesolowski fell in love with Paris when he first visited as a teenager. James later lived and worked in the US, Africa, and Latin America, and he founded a tech consultancy based in New York. Today, James lives between Paris and New York, where he pursues his passions for museums, photography, French wine and cuisine, and long-distance running. His fantasy is to study art restoration and work on the paintings in one of Paris’ many small churches.