111 Places in the Lake District
That You Shouldn't Miss
Solange Berchemin​
Contains numerous colour photographs
240 pages
13,5 x 20,5 cm
5,25 in. x 8 in.
ISBN : 978-3-7408-1861-6
£ 13.99
$ 23.95
111 Places in the
Lake District That You Shouldn't Miss
The Lake District delights its visitors with a series of superlatives: England’s largest national park, highest mountain, deepest lakes and now a new World Heritage status. One of Britain’s best-loved and most visited locations unveils its secrets. Outside the somewhat arbitrary National Park boundaries, more gems await, secluded roman ruins, llamas farms, and pirate hidey-holes.
This unusual guidebook explores 111 of the area’s most interesting places, leaving the well-trodden paths to find the unknown.
Solange Berchemin
Solange Berchemin was 18 when she travelled solo to the other side of the world, four years later, her partner took her to visit the Lake District. It was love at first sight. She has always enjoyed words and has a passion for people’s stories. If there is a story somewhere she will find it. Ten years ago, after an atypical career path which led her to pick cotton in Greece and manage the largest languages department in London (not at the same time), she turned to writing. Columnist for the Greenwich Visitor, her articles have appeared in national and international publications such as The Toronto Star, BBC Good Food, The Sunday Times. She writes a blog and is the author of five books but when it gets too much she returns to the Lakes to collect more stories. To read her complete biography go to www.solangeberchemin.com

BBC Radio Cumbria
"Absolutely fascinating"